Podcast Awesome
On Podcast Awesome we talk to members of the Font Awesome team about icons, design, tech, business, and of course, nerdery.
Podcast Awesome
2024 Wrap-Up: Growth, Legends, and a Kitty Cat Saga
It’s that time of year again! In this episode of Podcast Awesome, we’re reflecting on all the things that went down at Font Awesome in 2024. From expanding the Awesomeverse with Web Awesome and Eleventy to major product updates like the full release of Duotone Icons and shiny new branding, we cover it all.
You’ll hear about the Web Awesome Kickstarter campaign (success!), the arrival of industry legends Lea Verou and Zach Leatherman, and the behind-the-scenes Font Awesome updates that made 2024 one for the books. As they say. Oh, and don’t miss Jory’s epic tale of a tuxedo kitten named Toast that could easily inspire a heart warming stop motion holiday movie.
Tune in for a fun, nerdy recap of the year that was and a sneak peek at what’s in store for 2025.
Timestamp Summary
🎉 0:08 | Reflecting on 2024 and Font Awesome's Upcoming Plans
🐾 2:35 | A Christmas Miracle and a Chaotic Kitten Rescue
🌌 7:26 | Building the Awesomeverse: Font Awesome's Expansion and Success
🔧 10:28 | Web Awesome Simplifies Website Building with Reusable Components
🤝 13:12 | Exciting New Hires and Developments at Font Awesome
🎁 16:41 | Exciting Updates and Offers for Font Awesome Pro
✨ 18:51 | Font Awesome's Icon Expansion and Creative Uses
🎥 25:07 | Behind the Scenes of a New Font Awesome Video
🛠️ 27:57 | Customizing Font Awesome Kits for Optimal Website Performance
🌱 30:12 | Evolution ... It'll Save Your Life
Font Awesome: https://fontawesome.com/
The Font Awesome theme song was composed by Ronnie Martin
Audio mastering by Chris Enns and Lemon Productions
Aurora Holiday Dance
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0:00:08 - (Matt): Welcome to Podcast Awesome where we chat about icons, design, tech business and nerdery with members of the Font Awesome team. Well, happy 2025 to you all listening out there. If you can believe it, this is the quote unquote third season of Podcast Awesome coming at you. And every year, starting with the first season that we did, we kicked things off with a kind of reflection on the previous year. All the things that we had shipped and some of the things that we're looking forward to.
0:00:56 - (Matt): And my conversation partner each time has been none other than Jory Raphael. So Jory and I yuck it up a little bit and look back on the previous year and Jory has a pretty funny opening story, but I'll just let him tell that. Oh, and before I forget, if you're not aware, we have a sale going now for Font Awesome Pro. You can lock in your price at $99 a year before the price goes up to 120 sometime this year.
0:01:29 - (Matt): We've got great stuff coming up in the future. You're not going to want to miss out on this deal. So if you are not a pro subscriber, just, you know, a little friendly advice, this would be a great time to jump on that deal. You will get that $99 price for the life of your subscription. Okay, without further ado, let's go ahead and jump into it. I don't know. 20, you said 2025 is weird. What's been weird about it?
0:02:04 - (Jory): Okay, you want me to actually get into it?
0:02:06 - (Matt): Are we recording, man? Yeah.
0:02:09 - (Jory): Okay. So we had a very interesting start to the year in my household back in September of 2024. We got two new kittens for my kids. This little brother and sister, black and white. One of them is pure tuxedo cat. Like you type tuxedo cat. It's got like the completely black, little white muzzle and chest and they are.
0:02:35 - (Matt): Top hat and a monocle.
0:02:37 - (Jory): Yeah, I had tiny ones made for him.
0:02:39 - (Matt): Nice.
0:02:40 - (Jory): And he just, man, he's got Anakin Waltz. He's just very classy little gentleman. The kittens names are Toast and Ravioli. One day he got out and went missing. And so we kind of expected the worst, you know, worst case scenario, like is no longer with us. So we're preparing ourselves and the kids for that. And then on Christmas Day, I actually got my daughter a Lego tuxedo cat to put together. And we're like, maybe this will like put some good vibes out into the universe. And so she built the Lego tuxedo cat and no joke, she finished. Our neighbors text us they saw the kitten on their deck, our two doors down neighbor. So, like, oh, my God.
0:03:25 - (Matt): Like, wow, What a Christmas miracle.
0:03:27 - (Jory): Christmas miracle. The snow had actually been freshly fallen. Had freshly fallen on Christmas morning. It was beautiful.
0:03:34 - (Matt): I kind of feel like we should make a movie out of this, right? Some kind of fun. Awesome production. I'm going to get Isaac on this.
0:03:41 - (Jory): We can do a stop motion, little stop motion section of it, too.
0:03:45 - (Matt): All right, well, Jory is a fantastic storyteller, but we're gonna move things along because, you know, you want to hear about Fawn.
0:03:52 - (Jory): Awesome.
0:03:53 - (Matt): The things that we shipped last year, the things that you can look forward to in 2025 and beyond. The long and short of it is, yes, it was a Christmas miracle. That Katie Toast did make it back to the warm embrace of his family on Christmas, which is just fantastic. Jory has a great story of luring the cat into the garage. And he had this crazy contraption that he made out of weed whacker string that was strung up in the garage around doorknobs and up on rafters and things like that. And he pulls the string and it shuts the garage door.
0:04:27 - (Matt): Well, they got the kitty safe and sound in the garage. And that's where things get interesting. Let's get back to the story.
0:04:41 - (Jory): So I have the food in my hand. There's like a half open can of cat food in a bowl. And I start walking up the stairs, and sure enough, he's sitting on the.
0:04:51 - (Matt): Top step, top hat in his monocle.
0:04:55 - (Jory): Yes.
0:04:55 - (Matt): And he's like, you never get here. Care for her dance.
0:04:59 - (Jory): Right? I don't want to scare him, but he scurries past me through my daughter's legs, and my son is standing behind her. And just, like, on instinct, really quickly, he reaches down and grabs the kitten by, like, the rear section. The kitten swings up, bites his hand, like, deeply bites his hand, clinging on, and he's like, oh, my God, I've got a cat on my hand. He's like, ow. I'm like, oh, no. And I run over, I grab the kitten from him, and the second I pull this kitten off my son, the kitten turns on me and latches right underneath my chin, like, hanging on under my chin.
0:05:38 - (Jory): And when I say it felt like one of those scenes where you fake it with, like, a stuffed animal getting thrown at you, and you're like, you know, like the rabid animal. This kitten is latched onto my head underneath my chin. I'm holding him like, oh, my God. Oh, my God, I'm like, I don't know what to do. Get my thumb in between the kitten's teeth, jaws and like basically pry him off my neck, getting my thumb bitten. In the meantime, he lets me kind of like grip him and I bring him upstairs and put deposit him in my office and shut the door.
0:06:08 - (Jory): So then my son and I do the best to clean my wound out. We, the next morning, like we wake up, we look like, oh, his hand is, looks like it's infected. I'm like my oozing and stuff. So we, both of us are currently on antibiotics. And on top of, yeah, on top of all this, the day before my wife had tested positive for Covid, so had been quarantined in her room. Oh my gosh, this. So that was my start to 2025.
0:06:43 - (Matt): Oh my goodness.
0:06:45 - (Jory): But the kitten is back. And the kitten's back. Yeah, so, yeah. So 2025, Matt.
0:06:53 - (Matt): 2025. Happy New Year. Here we are and this is our third time doing this, which is pretty exciting. You know, we had a humble start to the podcast and thought, you know, what better way to kick things off than to do a previous year's roundup. There's been some pretty exciting stuff this year. Somebody had commented on Slack, hey, are you guys going to do another one of those roundups? Oh yeah, we'll do a roundup and then just glancing over like a list of the stuff that we've done. Gosh, let me just go through it.
0:07:26 - (Jory): Yeah, I think, Yeah, I think it's. You don't have to go through the list. Let's talk.
0:07:31 - (Matt): Let me just go through. Yeah, let me just go through it because I want to give people a heads up of like, what they can expect from this amazing episode. We became a multi product company, we launched the web Kickstarter, Eleventy joined up with us and we got the extra bonus of Z Len on the team. Leah V joined the team five years ago. Icon detail views, NPM installable kits, new doc website, probably plan release, Sharp Duotone, full Duotone release kit, onboarding, cleaned up the GitHub requests, search architecture, new screencast, lots of podcast episodes, including some very fun video episodes. And we shot a new font, Awesome video. So that is a.
0:08:04 - (Matt): Okay, that is, That's a ton of stuff, man. That's a lot of good stuff.
0:08:09 - (Jory): Good chatting with you.
0:08:11 - (Matt): Yeah, we'll see you next time.
0:08:15 - (Jory): And listen, there was even more than that. That was kind of, oh, yeah, this is some of the stuff we can talk about. It's some of the more Interesting stuff. I mean, not to count all of the kind of behind the scenes updates we had to do to get certain things working and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But you started off with the thing that we could do an entire episode on and we'll try and keep it quick. But that Font Awesome is no longer just icons.
0:08:44 - (Jory): We as a company, kind of beyond. Font Awesome is now a product. And we have a company that has Font Awesome as a product, has Web Awesome as a product, and now has Eleventy as a product. And that's Awesome verse. The Awesomeverse.
0:09:00 - (Matt): We're building an Awesome verse. I mean, come on.
0:09:03 - (Jory): Yeah, I guess we have podcast, cost of this product.
0:09:06 - (Matt): That's right.
0:09:07 - (Jory): All sorts of things. So it's pretty cool. The team has grown and with that has come to make some things more complicated and some logistics harder to deal with. But I don't know that I would trade it. It's pretty cool.
0:09:23 - (Matt): Yeah. And the Kickstarter was a great success. Shot a video which has that same kind of Awesome flair. So you see some of the same characters and that folks can go to YouTube to check that out. It's pretty entertain. And the Kickstarter was super successful.
0:09:44 - (Jory): Super successful.
0:09:45 - (Matt): There was like thousands times more than the goal. And let's be honest, it wasn't like a super high goal, but like it was a very successful Kickstarter.
0:09:56 - (Jory): Yeah. I mean, yes, the amount above your goal can be kind of a misleading number because you could set your goal at $1 and immediately make it. What's really cool about the Web Awesome stuff too is that we are delivering things for it already. So the Web Awesome team has already released an alpha of Web Awesome Free, which is the open source portion of the product. And then since late last year, late 2024, they've started to release a lot of the Pro offerings, or at least alphas and teases of the pro offerings.
0:10:28 - (Jory): It's really, really cool to see that stuff all come together.
0:10:32 - (Matt): For folks that are catching up, Corey Levisca, who was previously running Shoelace, which was an open source component, Web Components project, joined Font Awesome. We rebranded to Web Awesome. For folks that maybe aren't entirely clear on what the heck are web components, how would you explain that?
0:10:57 - (Jory): If you want to know what web components are, you go and visit webAwesome.com and it'll give you a lowdown. There are little bits of reusable pieces of websites that are super easy to theme and helps so that you don't have to kind of reinvent the Wheel every time you're building a product so you don't have to recode up that button component. In the Kickstarter campaign and the video, we used Legos as a way to kind of visualize this and that. The web components are like you're building a Lego house. The house is your website.
0:11:29 - (Jory): Web components are the doors and the windows and the pieces of that website that stack together make a whole. Then with Web Awesome Pro, we're doing all sorts of cool things, make it super easy to theme and some more complex. We actually have a page component right now, which is a single thing that you can put in and define an entire web page using just that component, which is Awesome. And the really cool thing is that we are actually still accepting pre orders for Web Awesome Pro and we just do that web Awesome.com you can still.
0:12:05 - (Jory): It's kind of. It's still the Kickstarter page, but you can still back the project and then get access to everything we're releasing right now before the official, official release public launch later this year.
0:12:20 - (Matt): Good stuff. It just makes for building stuff a lot easier. I love in conversations that I've had before where it seems like it can really help teams like devs and designers or just content creators in general maybe work better together as a team. Instead of, like you said, building something from scratch. Say, hey, I've got an idea here. I think that this is a good place to start. And bam. There's a basic, like nuts and bolts of your project and you can get that up really fast and easy.
0:12:56 - (Jory): Yep, it's. It's Awesome. So. And then they have all sorts of. Beyond the public launch, they have all sorts of things planned on that team for 2024. So we're 2025, Matt. Excuse me.
0:13:12 - (Matt): 2025. Excellent.
0:13:15 - (Jory): Yeah. Foreign.
0:13:22 - (Matt): Well, another exciting development is, like you said, is that Eleventy joined the Awesome team and we got Zach Leatherman Eleventy being a static site generator. And that's pretty new news, but also very exciting. You know, as I get caught up on who. Who are these people? You know, and I mean these people are. They're kind of famous, man. Like when we make, when we make announcements that like somebody news come on the team, it's like, wow, it's like somebody's coming down the red carpet. We. We start to get a lot more engagement on the social medias and stuff. So.
0:14:06 - (Jory): Yeah, and they're way cooler than like us doofs. Who are we? Yeah, and Eleventy and who knows, you know, we're keeping a little close to the vest right now about the future of Eleventy, but right now it's available for everyone, I believe. Well, 3.0 was released last year, and I think there's just another alpha release that came out with some cool new stuff in it. Just. Just very, very recently.
0:14:36 - (Matt): Very cool. And we also brought on Leah Vroux to the team, which was an Awesome hire. Again, one of those things where we announced this and it's like, holy cow. Wow. We, like, just hired on royalty. I believe that she taught at mit. She's got a doctor in her name now. And Leah is legit. She's a force to be reckoned with. And I'm looking forward to my. I'm actually podcasting with her later today and looking forward to the conversation, but it's pretty wild. When we were at the last snuggle, I mean, listening in all those conversations, I'm like, how can one person hold so much complex information in their head? It's wild.
0:15:19 - (Jory): Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leah is amazing. Has already gotten her fingerprints into all sorts of projects here at Font Awesome right now, kind of mainly focused on helping the Web Awesome team with the pro stuff as they. As they get that out the door. But, yeah, literally one of the smartest people I know.
0:15:38 - (Matt): Oh, for sure.
0:15:39 - (Jory): 100% way smarter than me. So I don't know why you're talking to me right now. You should have a podcast, like you said, with her later. So, you know, you go and do that.
0:15:49 - (Matt): I will. I. I will. I will do that. I plan to. I'll just let her talk and I'll go the whole time. And. And speaking of Leah, one of the great projects, one of the many great projects, she. She put together a survey which went out to folks asking, how do you use the web? Like, what tools are you using so that we can get a better sense of, like, how can we make better products? How can we meet our customers where we're at? So hopefully you saw that in your inbox.
0:16:21 - (Matt): That survey has kind of. We've already collected all the data that. That we're going to collect. It's over, but we also will be putting out a report of our findings, so we're looking forward to.
0:16:41 - (Jory): This is something that's near and dear to my heart, that has kind of under the radar, and we didn't really make a big deal about it. While we were working on Web Awesome and working on the Kickstarter campaign for Web Awesome, we decided we needed a logo for Web Awesome. We worked with Josh Williams, the fantastic designer of. I mean, Josh has done a ton of things, but probably one of his most famous, at least in our area, if there's an Internet. He's the founder of Gawala, the great kind of location based social network. Josh. We worked with Josh to help develop a logo for Web Awesome, which is this little crown. He also helped update the Font Awesome logo, which is now live on the website as well, which is just a simpler, cleaner refinement of our flag logo that matches more cleanly with the Web.
0:17:32 - (Matt): Awesome logo looks fantastic.
0:17:34 - (Jory): Yep.
0:17:36 - (Matt): We can't forget we still have a sale going on.
0:17:40 - (Jory): Oh, right now. Yes, we do have a sale.
0:17:43 - (Matt): You can get Flawn Awesome Pro at current prices. They will be going up this year, so might want to snag that.
0:17:50 - (Jory): It's a good time to snag it. Keep something a little close to my vest, but trust me when I say that it'll be worth the money in 2025. We have some Awesome things planned for Font Awesome in particular.
0:18:07 - (Matt): We're always shipping new stuff, we're always improving. Get on it, people. You want to get those 2024 prices and you're going to get Font Awesome Pro for the life of your subscriptions.
0:18:20 - (Jory): Well, it's $99. It's Fantasome Pro right now.
0:18:23 - (Matt): Yep.
0:18:23 - (Jory): Which will be jumping to 120 later this year related to plans and to deals like that. This. In 2024 we also released our Pro Light plan, which is a more inexpensive plan, which is fantastic. And it is for folks who don't need to download stuff and just want to serve icons online. So if you have a website or a blog and you just want to use our little kit code, you just pop a single line of code in your website header and you have access to all the icons you could ever need.
0:18:51 - (Matt): Want to meet people where they're at and we know that sometimes an entire, you know, you got a free plan, you need a little bit more, but you don't exactly need a Pro plan. You know, if you kind of got the Goldilocks in between, you know, this is too hot, this is too cold. This one's just right. So yeah, folks can check that out. We also released all of the icons in Duotone, including Sharp. Yes.
0:19:15 - (Jory): Yeah, so. So this is a long time coming. Sharp Duotone in particular was launched earlier in 2024 and that was the last style took a while that was promised as part of the version 6 release. So we released all new Sharp styles and the Duotone style was the last one to release and then we couldn't help ourselves. So we also decided to make duotone versions of all of our styles. So now classic, solid, regular, light and thin have duotone, solid, regular, light and thin counterparts.
0:19:49 - (Jory): And sharp, solid, regular, light and thin have sharp, duotone, solid, regular, light and thin counterparts.
0:19:55 - (Matt): So nice.
0:19:56 - (Jory): You want an icon. Every one of our icons basically comes in multiple layers now, which is pretty cool and was a huge undertaking. And that is all out there now. We officially released it at the end of last year. And so moving forward, any new icon we add to font Awesome, we have to create 16 versions of, which is. I tell you, it's a lot.
0:20:20 - (Matt): Well, I don't know what took you guys so long. We've only. I mean, it's only like 100 icons or something, right? I mean, geez.
0:20:24 - (Jory): Yeah, No, I think we now our count of icons is something like 53,000 icons. When you count. When you consider each of those different styles. And then man, oh man.
0:20:38 - (Matt): With our icon wizard.
0:20:40 - (Jory): Icon Wizard. You got the icon wizard.
0:20:43 - (Matt): Yeah, Googleplex.
0:20:48 - (Jory): So many icons with the Icon wizard, Matt.
0:20:51 - (Matt): It's a lot of icons, man. A lot of icons.
0:21:00 - (Jory): This is. This is icon related and doesn't have a lot of. You won't see a ton of it yet, but we spent some time last year cleaning up our GitHub icon requests. We had like so many icon requests, like in the thousands of icon requests, and it was hard to track number one, hard to track them, number two, hard for people who are interested in new icons and font Awesome. To find the right ones. And so we were getting a lot of duplicate and so we spent some time. I don't know that you can actually see it from the customer side of things, but on the internal side, we now have a nice organizational system so we can mark things as will do. We're planning to make them that they're in progress and all that. And all new icons get fed in requests get fed into the system to keep a better eye on them.
0:21:47 - (Jory): And our hope is this year to really work our way through a lot of them, to get them out the door and to get folks the icons they need. We have a new docs website that we built that our old one was getting a little long in the tooth and hard to update, hard to navigate. So we have a new docs website that's out there. We've done a lot of work on our search architecture in the past few months so that we can support all of these new styles. We have more that work in progress right now.
0:22:20 - (Jory): You have done a lot with podcast Awesome this year. And we've even released some really fun little short kind of videos around certain icons or certain themes on the web and stuff like that, which is really fun. And put yours and Isaac's kind of editing chops to the test.
0:22:39 - (Matt): Yeah, that's been really fun. That's something I've been wanting to do for a while. And I originally, because we weren't doing video yet, I had some audio versions of. I wanted to do a behind the icon a couple years back. We did a few just prior to version 6. I wanted to highlight some of the oddball, sort of funny icons that are hopefully delightful for people to come across. There's not always necessarily like a super practical use for all the icons, although there are some.
0:23:09 - (Matt): We have seen creative uses, including the Pooh Storm icon, which we're very proud about. There was a home inspection company and you can go back and watch Lindsay's podcast where somebody actually used it. So I reached out to the company, I was like, hey, whoever made your website, that's a genius use. Because know, it's like it shows like we inspect septic.
0:23:31 - (Jory): I've seen them. Yeah, I've actually seen that icon on. On a septic company's truck. Yes, they turn it out and put on their trucks emergencies or something. And yes, what's funny is that icon. We joke about that icon not having a lot of uses and yet I think if you go back through our blog, you go back through these podcast episodes, we have probably mentioned that icon more. That's true than we mentioned any other icon.
0:24:03 - (Matt): It's getting good uses. I think it was just so delightfully like such a delightful surprise, like, wow, somebody used this in a super appropriate way. That's so great.
0:24:13 - (Jory): Yeah. And I think we also add some part of the reason we talk about it so much is a pretty good example, rightfully so. People will occasionally will comment that like, oh, you, you know, you don't have this icon X icon, but you have a Pooh Storm icon. And so, you know, I feel that's with you.
0:24:32 - (Matt): What are you doing over there? Yeah, yeah. So yeah, we did a series of those. Oh, what is their Pooh Storm? We did the hand horns one. Oh, gosh. What are the other ones? The mullet. The mullet icon. So if you haven't listen to that or watch that and I would recommend going on YouTube because we add some nice fun little visuals to all that. But, you know, we're going to dive deep, man. We're going to go into the history, the etymology, all that stuff and we have short conversations about the making of the icon. So it's really fun.
0:25:07 - (Matt): And. And we've brought Isaac on board this year who his specialty is video and film and I had kind of dipped my toe into that a little bit, but I. I just don't have those skills yet. And so having Isaac come on board to be able to ramp up some of the education stuff that we've been doing, folks go to YouTube. Maybe you're noticing that we're cranking out more educational short screencasts and educational stuff that's very polished. A lot of that has to do with Isaac's mad skills. So we're super excited about that and we're hoping to continue to do some more of that video stuff in the future.
0:25:45 - (Jory): So yeah, if any folks listening have any ideas for areas that it would be helpful to have some kind of how to videos, let us know because kind of fun to make and I think that it's a different way for folks to learn. I'm a very visual person, so I love the screencasts and we got a lot of them and more coming out.
0:26:05 - (Matt): Yep, we're finally getting a cadence for stuff that we've always wanted to do. Even when I came on staff a couple years ago, I knew that I was going to have to work with somebody with a different skill set and that was going to take time to ramp up. But we're finally in that sweet spot where we're getting to stuff we've always wanted to do. And hopefully there's so many things we want to do but hopefully you'll start to see folks are going to see more of a steady stream of that stuff. So that's super exciting.
0:26:33 - (Jory): And speaking of video stuff, I'm again.
0:26:37 - (Matt): Oh yes.
0:26:38 - (Jory): I'm not going to say too much, but we did mention at the start of this video or when you're going through the list that we recently this fall shot a new font Awesome video and what that font Awesome video is about we're not going to say. But all But I can say that Matt, you actually got to come out to this video shoot and there as well. And it was the shoot itself was really fun, super funny and we're going to be sharing that later this year that the product of that shoot and then can I tease also that Isaac is working on a little behind the scenes video about that video.
0:27:18 - (Jory): So to get meta we shot a video about the video we're shooting.
0:27:22 - (Matt): We shot but we actually behind the scenes we're actually shooting a video about the behind the scenes video also. Yeah.
0:27:31 - (Jory): You're gonna do a video?
0:27:32 - (Matt): Yeah, I mean, we just want to, you know, we just wanted to capture all of the layers. Yeah, yeah.
0:27:39 - (Jory): Can we do a podcast about the shooting of the behind the scenes video? About the behind the scenes video? About the video?
0:27:45 - (Matt): Yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah.
0:27:46 - (Jory): Cool. Cool.
0:27:47 - (Matt): You got it, man.
0:27:57 - (Jory): We made some improvements to kits, and again, kits are this way to bundle up and serve Font Awesome to your website to all sorts of areas. But it is like your own little. It's like your own little version of Font Awesome. We created a new onboarding process. So you basically can go in, start a new kit, select which styles you want in that kit, or you can choose to select, literally turn custom subsetting on and choose only the icons you want in that kit. So if you are serving a website and you want it super, super fast and you only have 10 icons that you need, like, you can select just those 10 icons and serve them up.
0:28:32 - (Jory): But as part of that, I actually think I could be wrong, but I think it was the start of 2024 when we released NPM installable kits. So if you use NPM or package managers, you can now take a kit which has already been uniquely customized to your needs and install it via npm, which is a great way to cut down on size so that you're not, you know, pulling down all of Font Awesome, which, like we said, at this point, is 53,000 icons and 16 icon styles and all that.
0:29:04 - (Jory): I doubt anybody needs all that. So you get to choose only the things you need to serve and make it super simple and clean and install this via NPM or download them and have your own kind of version of Font Awesome that you can serve anywhere, including your own icons. You can create. You can upload your entire own icon sets. If you don't want to use any of our icons or you want to use a couple new icons in addition to our icons, you can do that as well. So those are all things that are available now.
0:29:34 - (Matt): I imagine there's a lot of folks that have been with Font Awesome for a really long time, and it's been sort of a set it and forget it thing. They're like, oh, I love this icon set. They've got sites maybe that have been around for a while, but there are so many ways you can customize how you want to use Font Awesome. If anybody's listening and they have that set it and forget it kind of thing, I've had website with Font Awesome icons forever.
0:29:55 - (Matt): You can optimize how you use this and it's worth checking out. So.
0:30:04 - (Jory): Do we got anything that's not product related, that's not kind of boring like that? Matt is boring to talk about that sort of stuff.
0:30:12 - (Matt): Right.
0:30:12 - (Jory): It's exciting to us, but it's repetitive. I don't know. I'm legit excited for what's coming out in 2025. We have some things that are coming out that have been in the hopper for a very long time and I cannot wait to share them with you. I'm gonna say one more tease and that is that just imagine someone dressing up in a hot dog suit. That's all you need to imagine. That's it.
0:30:38 - (Matt): I mean, what else do you need to know? Someone that you already know and love and you can't wait to see on the screen again.
0:30:49 - (Jory): Well, that's all I got.
0:30:51 - (Matt): Well, Jory, thanks for taking a few minutes to look back on 2024 and talk about the highlights of all the great stuff that, that we shipped and a few teasers on the things that are coming up. We're glad that your handsome little kitty safe and cozy once again.
0:31:09 - (Jory): Yeah, thank you. And good news. He hasn't bitten me again since that first encounter. And his back to himself. Well, Matt, it's been a pleasure. Excited for 2025.
0:31:20 - (Matt): Yep.
0:31:20 - (Jory): Said to see what's coming with the podcast in 2025. I think, you know, there's. You got some stuff, some ideas for that as well.
0:31:27 - (Matt): Got some things up my sleeve and.
0:31:31 - (Jory): Hey, Matt.
0:31:33 - (Matt): Yeah?
0:31:33 - (Jory): Go make something Awesome.
0:31:36 - (Matt): You go make something Awesome.
0:31:38 - (Jory): No, you go make something.
0:31:40 - (Matt): Okay, maybe I will. Maybe I will.
0:31:42 - (Jory): No, you can't.
0:31:43 - (Matt): Maybe I'm gonna make something.
0:31:44 - (Jory): No, I'm doing it now. You can't do it.
0:31:45 - (Matt): Your mom is.
0:31:47 - (Jory): All right. Love ya.
0:31:52 - (Matt): All right, folks, well that is about a wrap for our look back on 2024 and the headlines at font Awesome. Thanks, Jory for joining me in the hilarity. Always a fun time doing those roundups. And remember folks, you're going to want to jump on that FunAwesome pro deal now before the price goes up and you can get in on that 99 a year subscription price. That will be good for for the life of your subscription.
0:32:25 - (Matt): But jump on that before the prices go up. Sometime this year they're going to jump up to 120. So you definitely want to check that out. All right, toodles. Until next time.
0:32:47 - (Jory): I was like, how what? Like there was an. So like, thank goodness, Matt for double chance, you know. Yeah, I think if I I could be in morp. He could have gotten my tongue, you know, if I was in better shape. But because I'm carrying a little extra, you know, my little. My little waddle was able to.
0:33:11 - (Matt): It's gonna come in handy, man. I mean. Yeah, it's just, you know, what do they. What do they call it? It's what you learn about in grade school when animals change over thousands of years.
0:33:25 - (Jory): You talking about evolution?
0:33:27 - (Matt): Yes, that's the word that I'm looking for. Now, you know. Now you know that I have not had my second cup of coffee. That's just evolution, man. I mean, it's like, you get that, you know, we're out on the prairie and running after animals trying to get lunch, you know, now we're a little bit more sedentary. We get this double chin and exactly at the right moment in history when we're really going to need it. When a kitten attacks you. Yeah, it's a little. A little extra padding, you know?
0:33:57 - (Jory): Yeah. So, you know. Yeah, the. The extra snacks and. And the Christmas meals and the cookies, like it was all preparing me for this moment.
0:34:06 - (Matt): That's right. The universe knew how to take good care of you. That's great, man.